Madagascar: Visite pastorale du Supérieur général dans le District d’Antananarivo

Conférence Régionale des Visiteurs de la RELAF

Vendredi 11 novembre 2016

Arrivé le mardi 8 novembre à Ivato aéroport d’Antananarivo, le Supérieur a pris durant trois jours une part active à la Conférence des Frères Visiteurs de la RELAF. C’était une faveur de la Providence de pouvoir tenir cette conférence sur cette colline historique, initialement parc pour les bœufs du roi, puis achetée par les Frères autour de 1890 et baptisée « Soavimbahoaka », c’est-à-dire « Bénie du peuple », par le Frère Louis Rafiringa. Au sommet de cette colline se trouvent précisément le sanctuaire dédié au bienheureux Louis Rafiringa et le postulat du District.  De cette hauteur, avec la ville à vos pieds, s’offre à vous une très belle vue des alentours. » Read more

Madagascar: Pastoral Visit of the general Superior in the district of Antananarivo

RELAF Regional Conference of Visitors

Friday, November 11, 2016

Arrived on Tuesday, November 8, at Ivato airport of Antananarivo, the Superior took an active part, during three days, in the RELAF Conference of the Brother visitors. It was a Providence favour to be able to hold this conference on this historic hill, initially a park for the King’s bulls, then bought by the Brothers around 1890 and named “Soavimbahoaka”, meaning “Blessed from the People,” by Brother Louis Rafiringa. At the summit of this hill is can be found precisely the shrine dedicated to Blessed Louis Rafiringa and the District Postulancy.  From this height, with the city at your feet you can have a very beautiful view of the surroundings.

The Conference of the Brother visitors, stretching over three days, was ended this Friday, November 11. The Brother general Superior participated throughout in it. Brothers Gustavo Ramirez, Councillor in charge of higher education and of the Association and mission Secretariat, Amilcare in charge of the Secretariat for Solidarity and Development, and Ambrose Payne, general Bursar of the Institute also participated. At this solemn closing the Brothers who are members of the District Council of Madagascar, the representatives of the different groups of the Lasallian Family (Signum Fidei, Alumni Association, Lay partners …), two representatives of the Guadeloupian Sisters were invited. » Read more

Nairobi: Brothers Celebrating the Canonization of Brother Solomon

Brothers from different communities in Nairobi gathered at De La Salle Center to celebrate the canonization of Saint Solomon on Sunday 23rd, October 2016.

Saint Solomon was among the seven saints who were canonized by Pope Francis on 16th, October, 2016 at St. Peter’s Square in Rome, following the successful processes required for one to be named a saint in the Catholic Church. » Read more

Chad: End of the Pastoral Visit of the general Superior in the District of Central Africa: stage 3

Sunday 6 November 2016

The general Superior participated in the 8:30 am Sunday mass in Djaména’s Our Lady of Peace Cathedral. The animation of this Eucharistic celebration was led by three choirs… the particular rite in the archdiocese wants the Liturgy of the word to come prior to the penitential Rite to allow the faithful to be better informed about their condition of sinners… The cathedral parish priest, Father Raymond introduced the general Superior of the Brothers of the Christian Schools to the Assembly of the faithful before the final blessing … He took the opportunity to acknowledge and thank the Brothers for their apostolic commitments in the Cathedral parish. » Read more

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