
Brother Superior General Armin Luistro, has just appointed Brother TOEPPEN Yawo Rodrigue Romain, as Visitor of the Lasallian District of West Africa (DILAO). His term of office runs from 1June 2023 to 31 May 2027. Let us note at this point that the DILAO was born from the merging of the District of the Gulf of Benin and the District of West Africa. Brother Rodrigue Romain is the first Brother Visitor of the DILAO.
Brother Visitor Rodrigue TOEPPEN, a native of Togo, has been perpetually professed since 2 September 2006 in the Congregation of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. He has served as Director of works and communities in Benin and Togo. He was also Director General of the African Lasallian Centre (CELAF-Institute) in Ivory Coast. He was a capitulant at the 46th General Chapter of the Institute. Since the year 2020 until today, Brother Yawo is Director of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Dapaong in Togo.