Bobo Dioulasso: Habit taking

The new group of novices for the year 2015 – 2017 has chosen Saint Francis of Assisi as their Patron. Their entering to the Novitiate was marked by a retreat held at the Monastery of Christ the Redeemer in Kiri (7 km de Bobo); It was animated by Brother Sylvain CONSIMBO. The orientation being “The novitiate, an evangelical adventure” invites the Novices of this group to resolutely walk with the Lord, after responding to his call: “Follow me” (cf. Mt 9: 9-13). They want to make theirs and live these words: “We have left everything and followed you” (cf. Lk 18: 28).
After the retreat, the ceremony of beginning the Novitiate was marked by the taking of habit which was celebrated on 1rst November 2015, Feast of All Saints in the presence of the Brothers of the Provincial House, those of Toussiana and Tounouma community well as some who were invited for the occasion (priests and closest to the novitiate religious). We wish a fruitful Formation to our dear Novices.