Feast of Saint John Baptist de la Salle in Rwanda

As it has been in our traditions on May 15, the Lasallians celebrate Saint John Baptist De La Salle, heavenly Patron of all Christian educators. It is very significant for Lasallians and even for anyone who has had the chance to attend Lasallian Schools. This year’s celebration was special because a spiritual preparation of students embellished preparations for the event. The theme of the year: “LASALLIANS SOWERS OF JOY” was the theme shared during four days before the actual celebration. To make the sharing of the theme fruitful, we identified four sub-themes for four days. On the eve of May 15, the students of both schools organized a social evening during which the dances, poems, plays etc were performed.
The celebration began at 10:00 with a Mass presided by His Excellency Monsignor Servilien NZAKAMWITA, Bishop of Byumba Diocese. In his introduction, he stressed the important role of a Christian Brother in the Church: “Brother is a star that guides young people to Jesus Christ“, he has said. During the Eucharist, twenty-two students received the sacraments of Christian initiation.
After the Eucharist, guests, Brothers, students, alumni and teachers gathered at the Groupe Scolaire De La Salle to continue the celebration. A great personality and former student of GROUPE SCOLAIRE DE La SALLE, Senator SEBUHORO Celestin, was present.
Speaking on behalf of former students, the Senator referred to the theme of the year: “Lasallians sowers of joy”. He said that the joy that characterizes a Lasallian comes from his encounter with Jesus. He invited the students to take benefit at the maximum they receive from Lasallian Schools. “The Brothers form the whole person” he added.
The presence of Brother Anatole, Delegate of the Superior General for the Delegation of Rwanda has added value to the celebration. In his address, Brother Anatole did not hide his joy for being his first time in the land of a thousand hills. He mentioned the coincidence of his visit and the feast of St. John Baptist De La Salle. He finally gave the message of the Superior General which invites us to go beyond borders. Fraternity beyond borders.