Gulf of Benin: Child Protection and Rights

The third MEL formation session 2015 took place from September 6 to 11 at the Monastery St. Clair Aképé, 25 km in Lomé. Sunday evening, September 6, was dedicated to the arrival and installation of the delegations from Bishop Steinmetz Bohicon School, NDL / CSA Togoville, Akassato La Salle, La Salle and St. Athanase Dapaong. There were 49 participants including 41 Lay people (4 women), 3 De La Salle Guadalupana Sisters and 5 Brothers.

The activities started on Monday, September 7, with the opening prayer, a welcome note from Brother Romain SODEY, coordinator of the Lasallian Educational Mission. Brother Visitor, Paulin DEGBE in his opening remarks asked the participants to “ensure the protection of sensitive beings” and reminded them that this formation in the dynamics of the 45th General Chapter in its 14th proposal . […]

The first presentation on this first day was that of Brother Jean EZIN about “General information on the child“, a theme that was deepen in the afternoon on the formulation “social framework of the child” , led by Edouard Da COSTA, responsible for Social Psychology, who passed his message thanks to the dynamic method based on symbolism and role play.

The Judge Armand GOUNON was the third speaker whose presentation develops “The intervention of the law in Child protection” and “the limits of the law in Child protection.” Through these various ipresentations, it becomes clear to all participants that we have the duty to protect and especially prevention in relation to anything that may cause a potential or actual danger to the children entrusted to us.

The evaluation opened the floor to participants who identified the strengths and limitations of the session and presented their wishes that can help for the next sessions. Congratulations of all sorts were expressed for the organization, for the moments of fraternity and above all for the learning experience.

The presentation of certificates to participants and Brother Visitor’s closing remarks delighted everyone. On Friday 11th September, the group had the opportunity to visit Lome city and for a fraternal meal at the « restaurant du grand marché », everyone enjoyed the meal in the same way the “socials” that were organized twice during the session. It is with complete satisfaction that participants went back to their respective home on Saturday 12th September, 2015.

Brother Pierre Claver MENSAH, Gulf of Benin District

