Kenya: First Profession of vows

“Never stop praying my dear Brothers,” this was the word of encouragement from Bro. Ghebreyesus the Visitor of Lwanga District of Africa during the first profession of vows of the three Novice Brothers. The event took place on Saturday July 9th 2016 at De La Salle International Novitiate, Nairobi Kenya. The newly professed Brothers are Samuel Onyango, Titus Yinaga, and Rezene Endale of Kenya, Nigeria and Ethiopia respectively. The vows were received by Bro. Ghebreyesus, Visitor of Lwanga District of Africa.
For the past one and a half years, the three Novice Brothers were involved in lots of activities. During the canonical year, the three were introduced to number of courses among them; the Rule, the Declaration of the Brothers, a course on Consecrated life, English, French as well as the history of the Founder. At the same time, they attended some short inter-Novitiates courses offered to Novices from different congregations within Nairobi. The program is commonly referred to as “Chemchemi Courses”. After the canonical year, they took part in community experience which lasted for four months. Samuel was in Mwangaza community in Nakuru while Titus and Rezene were in Nyeri community in central Kenya. This program ended on Sunday 24th April 2016. One week prior to the celebration of vows, the three Novice Brothers took part in a week’s retreat in preparation for the big day. The retreat which took place at Donum Dei Missionary Sisters retreat center was directed by Bro. Vincent Pelletier from Rome who is a renowned retreat Director.
Brothers from Scholasticate, Mwangaza, Karemeno, Nyeri, Provincialate and Christ the Teacher communities were present to witness the three Novice Brothers make their vows as Brothers of the Christian school. “It is a blessing seeing young energetic men becoming Brothers,” Bro. Francis Kamanda commented.
The Holy Mass was presided over by Fr. Santorino from the Order of Discalced Carmelites and assisted by Fr. Simon a diocesan Priest from Yola diocese in Northern Nigeria. Shortly after mass, Brothers and all other invited guest joined the three in sharing a meal as member of a united family. Thereafter, guests left at their own pleasure.