Letter N°001 of the General Councilor for RELAF

Dear BrothersConfe and Lasallian Partners,

Receive my warmest greetings from Abidjan. This message is sent to you to inform you about the Regional Visitors’ Conference that was held in Abidjan from 4 to 6 November 2014. 

The Superior General, Brother Robert Schieler, honored us with his presence and repeatedly stressed on the particular importance he attaches to our Region. Brother Jesús Rubio, Secretary for Formation and Brother Amilcare, Secretary for Solidarity and Development also actively participated in the Visitors’ conference of the Region. Brother Jesús expected from Visitors that they help clarify through their contributions to identify the formation needs for years to come. Brother Amilcare presented the Development Funds whose establishment was decided at the last General Chapter.

The agenda for these three days of discussion and reflection was particularly heavy as you can see through the following points:

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Regional structure
  • Evaluation of the Regional Strategic Plan
  • Evaluation of the Régional Assembly held in 2010
  • Presentation of the Acts of the 45th General Chapter and their implementation.
  • Formation ; the Revised Rule : Regional CIL
  • Presentation of Development Funds.
  • Creation of an African Lasallian NGO and perspectives
  • Fraternal dialogue with the Superior General
  • Previsions : Regional Assembly ; Regional CIL; General Councilor’s Visits; Superior General’s Pastoral Visits in our Region ( September 2016 – August 2017)
  • Miscellaneous : Communication in our Region : updating electronic adresses of Brothers, Sending of articles for the Institute web page, the use of corporative image … The situation in Guinea Conakry with Ebola … Sharing about twinning programs among Lasallian Schools (Lwanga District) … Making of devotional objects with the effigy of JB De La Salle …

In his closing remarks, the Superior General urged us to think about what it means to be brothers, in the sense of association and the Lasallian mission in our African context. Inviting us to inculturate the Lasallian charism in our various African contexts, he insisted that the future of the Institute was in Africa.

This is an opportunity for me to thank once again the Community of Saint Miguel Scholasticate, Brothers Anaclet, Rodrigue and Bruno as well as the Scholastics for the hospitality and brotherhood we received during our stay. We have been edified by their attendance at community prayers and the quality of their animation. Our gratitude also goes to the Director of CELAF Institute and all the staff and students. Our meeting was held in the audio-visual room of the CELAF Institute. On Friday, November 7th, we were invited to share a fraternal meal with the Administrative Personnel and some student representatives. On the same day, the Superior General, accompanied by the General Councilor and some Brother Visitors, went to Foyer Akwaba, a center located in the neighborhood of Abobo where forty children in rupture with their family are residents. A total of more than one hundred children actually attend the center. It was a moving encounter during which the Superior General emphasized the importance of such a work for the Lasallian world and expressed respect and admiration, that inspire him, for the Brothers, Sisters and lay teachers, Christians and Muslims, committed in the center. As you can see, the conference program was very busy. The next will take place in late December 2015 and early January 2016 and will probably be preceded by the Regional Assembly… I invite you to give your inputs by submitting questions to your Brother Visitor or write to me directly.

After the Conference of Brother Visitors from across the Region, the Conference for French Speaking Sub-Region was held on Saturday 8th November in order to study the reports submitted by the Noviciate of Bobo Dioulasso, Saint Miguel Scholasticate and CELAF Institute.

God bless you and grant you the grace to remain in his presence.

Your Brother in De La Salle, Pierre Ouattara

General Councilor for RELAF,

President of the Conference.
