The Brothers of the Christian Schools of the District of Central Africa recommend to your prayers Brother Martin Leonardus SONNEMANS.
Brother Martin Leonardus SONNEMANS, formerly of the community of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in Lomié, in the Diocese of Doumé-Abong-Mbang, passed away in the Central Hospital of Yaoundé, on 1 March 2023, at the age of 90, after 74 years of religious life.
Brother Martin Leonardus SONNEMANS was born on 27 September 1932 in Someren. He entered the novitiate of the Brothers of the Christian Schools in 1949 and made his first vows in 1951 and perpetual vows in 1957.
Throughout his missionary life, Brother Martin devoted himself to the training of young catechists and farmers at the Agricultural and Livestock Centre. He was able to captivate the attention of the young students of the CETI Saint Joseph of Diang by his zeal for work and especially his love for a job well done.
Brother Martin was a religious who, despite his age, knew how to adapt to the different changes in society and the Church. With his young confreres, he was an example of fidelity through rigour and regularity in his activities, both professional and spiritual. His life was a living witness to Christ whom he served. Always keeping a smile on his face, he always made himself available to the requests of his confreres and of all those who needed his services. His humility led him to listen to his confreres and to offer free service. Brother Martin was always patient, even when it came to his return to the One he had served all his life. When asked what his secret was for holding out so long when even all his companions had returned to the Father’s house, he answered with a smile: “I am waiting”. Brother Martin knew how to wait for his time as a good and faithful servant.
Union of prayer for the rest of the soul of our dear Brother Martin.