Guadalupana De La Salle Sisters in Benin

Since Thursday, May 28, 2015 the three Guadalupana De La Salle Sisters arrived in Benin, Gulf of Benin District. These Sisters are Angela Maria Sanchez Castana from Colombia, sisters; Laurencia ALPHONSE and Lanto Ortancia OLINIRINA, both from Madagascar. Sister Lanto Ortancia arrived May 25, 2015; and the other two on May 28, 2015. During her trip to Benin, Sister Laurencia in Nairobi was delayed because of a strike at the Bernardin Gantin International Airport of Cotonou; which resulted into an unexpected stay in Nairobi. » Read more

Fête de Saint Jean Baptiste de la Salle au Rwanda

Comme il est dans nos traditions à la date du 15 mai, les lasalliens fêtent Saint Jean Baptiste De La Salle, patron céleste de tous les éducateurs chrétiens. Cette fête est très significative pour les lasalliens et même pour toute personne qui a eu la chance de fréquenter  les écoles lasalliennes. Cette année, la Fête a été spéciale parce qu’une préparation spirituelle des élèves a embelli les préparatifs de l’événement. Le thème de l’année: “LES LASALIENS SEMEURS DE LA JOIE” a été l’objet du partage durant les quatre jours qui ont précédé la fête proprement dite. Pour rendre ce partage fructueux, du grand thème, on en a dégagé quatre sous-thèmes repartis sur les quatre jours. A la Veille du 15 mai, les élèves de deux écoles ont organisé une soirée récréative qui était chaudement animée par les danses, poèmes, pièces théâtrales,…

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Feast of Saint John Baptist de la Salle in Rwanda

As it has been in our traditions on May 15, the Lasallians celebrate Saint John Baptist De La Salle, heavenly Patron of all Christian educators. It is very significant for Lasallians and even for anyone who has had the chance to attend Lasallian Schools. This year’s celebration was special because a spiritual preparation of students embellished preparations for the event. The theme of the year: “LASALLIANS SOWERS OF JOY” was the theme shared during four days before the actual celebration. To make the sharing of the theme fruitful, we identified four sub-themes for four days. On the eve of May 15, the students of both schools organized a social evening during which the dances, poems, plays etc were performed. » Read more

Nairobi: CTIE Graduation Ceremony

At Saturday’s graduation, fourteen graduates received a diploma, jointly offered from Tangaza University College and Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, while nineteen received a B.A. from Saint Mary’s. It was a beautiful celebration, beginning with an inspiring liturgy  then followed by a well-organized, lively commencement ceremony.
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