Rwanda: Final Profession

Saturday 17th October was a joyful day for the De Salle Brothers in the Delegation of Rwanda. In the well-attended ceremony in Byumba Cathedral Parish, Brother Pascal HITIYAREMYE and Sebastien NIZEYIMANA made their final profession of vows in the Institute of the Brothers of the Christians Schools. On behalf of the Superior General, Bother Maurice BURASA, President of the Delegation received the vows of the two Brothers.
The Catholic Bishop of Byumba Diocese, Most Rev Servilien NZAKAMWITA was the chief celebrant. Religious and Priests from within and outside the Diocese were present in good numbers. Friends, family and parishioners from Brother Pascal and Sebastien home parish also took part in the ceremony.
In very touching words, the parents presented them to God before the congregation. The Chief celebrant, in his inspiring homely reminded the two Brothers that they have decided to offer themselves to God totally and freely. They have chosen well even though the way could be too demanding. The Celebrant congratulated their parents for the good education given to their children. He finally asked the assembly to support Brothers with their fervent Prayers.
A reception followed at GROUPE Scolaire De La Salle Byumba with variety of both modern and traditional presentations. The students of GROUPE Scolaire De La Salle Byumba and Académie De la Salle, Young Lasallians presented their talents. As we are in the Month of Holy Rosary , the two newly Final professed were given a Holy Rosary whereas the Parents asked them to pray for the support of the Virgin Mary in times of hardship.
The Brothers were delighted as the occasion was an opportunity to share Love for the future of the De Salle Brothers and the Lasallian mission in Rwanda Delegation.
Brother Maurice BURASA,