Rwanda: official blessing of “Académie De La Salle”

On 11thOctober, Most Rev Servilien NZAKAMWITA, Bishop of Byumba Diocese, accompagnied by Father Emmanuel RUTSINDINTWARANE, Parish Priest of Byumba Cathedral, led the official blessing of Académie De La Salle. Académie De La Salle is a Private School led by the De La Salle Brothers. It has three levels of education: Nursery, Primary and Secondary. The ceremony started with a Holy Mass presided by Bishop Servilien NZAKAMWITA. Students, their parents, the Vice Mayor in charge of Social Affairs in Gicumbi District, the District officer in Charge of Education, the Teachers, and the Brothers from Groupe Scolaire De La Salle and Académie De La Salle were present at the ceremony.
The celebration continued with variaties of both modern and traditional presentations by Académie De La Salle students. Brother Emmanuel MUHAYIMANA,The school Director reminded those in attendance that the school provides holistic education to students.[…]
Brother Maurice BURASA, President of the Delegation of De la Salle Brothers in Rwanda, thanked Bishop Servilien, for having De La Salle Brothers in his heart. He also appreciated all supports from the Parents. On his part, the Bishop was delighted with the success of Académie De La Salle and the Education being offered to the students. He finally said that he is sincerely happy with all activities done by De La Salle Brothers in his Diocese.
Brother Maurice BURASA, President of Rwanda Delegation.