Rwanda: Pastoral Visit of the general Superior in RELAF n° 1

Arrived in Kigali on Wednesday, 19 October 2016, the general Superior, Br Robert Schieler, has really started the pastoral visit of the Lasallian Region of Africa (RELAF) the next day Thursday with the visit of Intiganda Centre in Butare. This centre, meaning “courage”, was founded in 1988 by Br Othmar and today constitutes one of the most significant educational works in the delegation of Rwanda. It was first intended to accommodate a limited number of children in difficulty because their follow-up should be done primarily in the families. Following the genocide, the number of children without families increased and the Centre had to expand considerably. If it is currently home to 62 children whose age varies from 6 to 19 years, take note however that the highest age limit is usually 16 years. These children who break away from their family and sometimes in conflict with the law, called more often ” street Children “, find in the centre a place where to sleep, to be taken care of and to eat. School support is also given along with a family climate. They are always free to stay or leave… They are handled by a team of religious men and women, lay people who have a common passion for these children lacking hospitality in the society…
Here is the message read on their behalf by one of them intended for the general Superior and the day’s visitors during the touring of the Centre and after the presentation of beautiful traditional dances,
“Honourable General Superior of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, dear visitors, we are very happy to see you in Intiganda Center. On behalf of the Intiganda Center children, you may not know how much you mean to us; only God and our hearts know it. Even if we are “street children”, we are human beings like others. We have many family problems that pushed us to go to the street. However, when we find someone to help us, we are blessed and change our bad behaviour so that we plan our future life of becoming better persons. Brothers of our community and Intiganda Center educators are like our parents. We will follow their examples in whatever they do to show us the Almighty. We will also follow the example of Saint John-Baptist de La Salle whose life they tell us every day. May God bless you and whatever you plan to do from now on… Thank you.
The general Superior responded by narrating to them the following short story:
Once upon a time there was a little old man who made pencils… To each pencil, he always said the same thing that he summarized in 5 points:
– Let yourself be held…only then you will achieve great things…
– Allow yourself to be carved and refined…this will not be without suffering, difficulties but the quality of your work will depend on…
– Take with you an eraser; learn from your mistakes by correcting them…
– Know that the most important is the lead, what is within you, and not what your outer part is, that is, the wood…
– Leave your make in the world by creating beautiful things…
On closing his speech, the Superior did not fail to greet, congratulate and encourage Br Jean-Bosco, the Delegation President, the Brothers who are members of Butaré community as well as the entire Centre educational staff engaged in this highly Lasallian work. This is not by accident that he begins his pastoral visit in the region through this Delegation centre.
This first day ended with a visit paid to de La Salle Guadeloupian Sisters in a place called Muhanga where they are planning to open their first community in December and a new school, kindergarten and primary, in January 2017. This foundation has been made possible thanks to the generosity of a family who offered the land where the school is located and the House that will host the Sisters community.
A sharing of biscuits and sweets accompanied by a few drinks followed before a photo session took place to end this first visit. I am still amazed by the quality of Listening and attention these children displayed throughout the visit of the general Superior.
Brother Pierre Ouattara, general Councillor for RELAF