Rwanda:Pastoral Visit of the general Superior in the delegation of Rwanda Article 3

Saturday 22 October 2016
Saturday, October 22, has been wonderful with the celebration of the perpetual profession of Brothers Ernest TUGANEYESUS, which means in English” Let’s go to Jesus” and Emmanuel MUHAYIMANA, which means “I offered him to God”. We notice that in the light of the definitive consecration of our Brothers to God, the names given by the families reveal themselves prophetic, we can even say prescient… The Brothers have been faithful to the meaning of the life program outlined by their names…
The perpetual profession took place in Byumba’s Immaculate Heart of Mary cathedral. The mass presided over by Bishop Servilien, in the presence of the general Superior, brought together representatives from all the educational works and communities of the delegation, priests, religious, students of the two Lasallian schools of Byumba and many parents, friends and former students…
The perpetual vows of the two brothers have been received by the general Superior. This is a first happening in the history of the delegation. During this celebration, which lasted three and a half hours, we did not feel the passing time because the prayer was accompanied by beautiful melodies and the attention was captured by dances and a singing and dancing participation from the Assembly.
People were then invited in the TTC big hall (Teacher Training Center) La Salle Byumba. To welcome them, as it is the tradition in Rwanda, the important guests have been greeted by rhythmic beatings of big drums. Varied dishes and drinks were served to the invited guests. The students of the Academy La Salle and those of the TTC La Salle, the two Lasallian institutions of Byumba, entertained the congregation with beautiful dances highlighting on the one hand the elegance of the rippling body of girls and on the other hand the force together with the masculine flexibility of bodies.
After the hunger and thirst were relieved, the guests listened to a series of speeches. First of all, that of the two celebrant Brothers. They seized this time to introduce the various members of their family. Then, the general superior’s delegate for the Delegation of Rwanda and the representative of the parents of the two professed took the floor. After an interlude of dance presentation, it was the turn of the general Councillor followed by the general Superior to speak to all the guests present.
It is the tradition in the Delegation to offer gifts to the professed… The President of the delegation composed as a gift a new song in their honor… Following this musical presentation well appreciated, friends, religious, parents, acquaintances paraded to offer gifts or simply to congratulate the day’s celebrants… The Bishop, in the last speech, thanked the Brothers of the Christian Schools. These vows have been to him the opportunity of formation. He insisted on the importance of the role of the family in the education of children, on the importance of the name that parents give their children at birth… He closed these celebrations and fraternal reunion by singing a song that the congregation did not fail to sing with him and afterwards gave to all the final blessing.